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검색어 :
Analog Devices
Analog Devices
상세내역 : 10-Bit 40 MSPS A/D Converter (Rev - RevD)
부품명(s) : SPT7864 SPT7864SIR
Signal Processing Technologies
Signal Processing Technologies
상세내역 : 10-BIT, 40 MSPS A/D Converter
상세내역 : 10-Bit, 40 MSPS A/D Converter (Rev - 1999)
상세내역 : 10-Bit, 40 MSPS A/D Converter
상세내역 : 10-Bit 40 MSPS A/D Converter
상세내역 : 10-Bit, 40 MSPS A/D Converter
부품명(s) : SPT7864 SPT7864SCR
Cadeka Microcircuits LLC.
Cadeka Microcircuits LLC.
상세내역 : 10-BIT, 40 MSPS A/D Converter
부품명(s) : BU2507FV
ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor
상세내역 : 10Bit 6-channel D/A Converter (Rev - V2)
부품명(s) : BU2505FV
ROHM Semiconductor
ROHM Semiconductor
상세내역 : 10Bit 10-channel D/A Converter (Rev - V2)
상세내역 : 14-Bit, 40 MSPS/65 MSPS A/D Converter
Analog Devices
Analog Devices
상세내역 : 10-Bit, 40 MSPS/60 MSPS A/D Converter
Analog Devices
Analog Devices
상세내역 : 14-Bit, 40 MSPS/65 MSPS A/D Converter (Rev - Rev0)
부품명(s) : AD6644PCB AD6644ST
Analog Devices
Analog Devices
상세내역 : 14-Bit, 40 MSPS/65 MSPS A/D Converter
상세내역 : 14-Bit, 40 MSPS/65 MSPS A/D Converter
부품명(s) : SPT7864 SPT7864SCR
Fairchild Semiconductor
Fairchild Semiconductor
상세내역 : 10-BIT, 40 MSPS A/D Converter
상세내역 : 8-Bit 40 MSPS/60 MSPS/80 MSPS A/D Converter
부품명(s) : AD9244-EVAL
Analog Devices
Analog Devices
상세내역 : 14-Bit, 40/65 MSPS A/D Converter
상세내역 : Video A/D Converter 8 bit, 40 MSPS
상세내역 : 14-Bit, 40/65 MSPS A/D Converter (Rev - RevA)
상세내역 : 12-Bit, 20 MSPS/40 MSPS/65 MSPS Dual A/D Converter
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